Why Does My Laminate Floor Crack? (Reasons & How to Fix!)

Laminate flooring is a popular choice for many homeowners, but sometimes it can be prone to cracking. It happens more than often and might make you reinstall the whole flooring. But why does this happens in the first place, and what can you do about it?

Cracks on laminate flooring can occur for a variety of reasons. Still, the most common cause is insufficient underlayment, water damage, and lastly, poor quality construction or the absence of an expansion gap.  

If you’re concerned about your laminate floor cracking, don’t worry – we have some tips on preventing it. We also have suggestions on how to fix a cracked laminate floor, so if the worst happens, you’re prepared.

Does Laminate Flooring Crack?

Destroyed Laminate Floor. Broken Old House Flooring With Damage

Yes, laminate flooring can crack even though it’s versatile, beautiful, and more cost-efficient than wood flooring. It is also long-lasting and difficult to chip and scratch. However, this does not mean that your laminate flooring is indestructible. 

Accidents may sometimes happen, and wear and tear will also inevitably occur as time passes. Thus, you don’t need to worry about any flaws or cracks appearing on your planks because there is always a logical reason for that happening. 

Why Is My Laminate Floor Cracking?

Many reasons can cause your laminate flooring to crack. Sometimes, even poor installation or improper acclimation could be the culprit. Below are the primary reasons why your planks may be cracking. 

  1. Insufficient underlayment

The underlayment is what goes underneath the surface of your laminate flooring, and it’s sandwiched between the subfloor and the floor. If the plywood underlay lacks or a moisture barrier has not been installed, you will eventually see cracks appearing on your planks as time passes. 

  1. Water damage

Water damage and moisture are two reasons for most of the issues with your laminate flooring. These are peeling and cracking. Moisture seeping to the surface from beneath the planks, moisture present in the air, or puddles of water on the floor for a prolonged period of time are all things that lead to cracking your laminate flooring. 

  1. Poor quality construction

At the time of construction, it’s crucial to ensure that laminate boards have a rigid balancing layer to allow for the distribution of pressure. Thus, high-quality and appropriately constructed planks are required to prevent moisture from seeping in and paving the way for gradual cracks. 

  1. Absence of an expansion gap

Due to a temperature change, it’s possible for laminate flooring to expand or contract. Therefore, an expansion gap is created around the edges to allow the planks to expand easily. However, if these gaps are not present or you didn’t leave big enough gaps, then cracking is almost inevitable. 

5. Woodworm infestation

Even though this is uncommon, there is a possibility that your laminate flooring is infested with woodworms, which causes cracks. If you want to know more about woodworms and know if yours is affected by them, this article will give you all the necessary answers.

Can a cracked Laminate Flooring Be Repaired?

Laminate flooring has various qualities, amongst which is its durability. Hence, if your boards get damaged, there are several circumstances in which you will not have to go out and get new ones. You can restore your current planks to their former glory with a few repairs. There are several types of cracks and also several ways to repair them. Depending on the crack, you might be able to repair it with: 

  1. Wood fillers
  2. Acrylic Filler
  3. Stain Pencil
  4. Sawdust and Glue

Can you prevent or make your laminate flooring less creaky?

Here is how you can prevent your laminate flooring from making creaking and annoying sounds that may keep you up all night. 

  1. Screw mounting

To ensure that your boards never become squeaky, you can screw the pieces down to the subfloor and eliminate movement completely. You can use a drill bit to make pilot holes into the center of the boards. Next, sink in the screws around 1/16 inch further down than the surface of your laminate planks. 

  1. Adjustable joist mounts

If it is possible for you to access your floors from below, then you can easily address the problem from the core. Install the adjustable joist mount at the bottom of the subfloor and screw it in. Wrap the planks over the adjustable joist and then secure the laminate boards by tightening the adjustments. 

Below are two methods that you can use to repair your creaky laminate flooring. 

  1. Use talc

Sprinkling talc on the surface of the floor and allowing it to seep inside is one of the easiest remedies to fix creaking laminate planks. Once the powder makes its way to the joints surrounding the squeaky area, it is lubricated and returned to its former glory. 

  1. Use construction adhesive

An uneven subfloor is often the primary cause of creaking laminate floors. Thus, you can use a bead of sealant and stop the movement between the subfloor and the joist. You can use a putty knife or your fingers to push in the glue and lock the boards in place.

How Do You Fix Cracks in Laminate Flooring?

Follow the steps below to fix the cracks in your laminate flooring.

  1. Check the cracks

The first thing to do is take a careful look at your laminate flooring and mark all the chips and cracks that are in dire need of repair. Next, choose the color of the repair putty you will require. In addition, there will be some spots that will only take you a wax crayon to fix. So, be sure to pick out a swatch that resembles your laminate boards perfectly. 

  1. Sand the cracks

Before you can start the repairs, you need to sand the cracks to make the affected area smoother. This helps eliminate accumulated dirt and guarantees that the putty will not have any difficulty bonding with the laminate boards.

  1. Apply the putty

Prepare the repair putty by combining it with a hardener by using an appropriate knife. Since it does not take long for the putty to harden, you will only have a couple of minutes to restore your laminate planks. Remember only to apply thin layers, as it will help get the job done at a faster pace. 

  1. Give time to dry

While it does not take long for the putty itself to harden, you need to give the filler a couple of hours to be completely dry. Then, you can step on the repaired floor with ease. 

If you require visual instructions as well to go with the ones mentioned above, feel free to check out this video and repair the cracks in your laminate floors in a few simple steps. 

Repair cracked laminate flooring with wood fillers.

Fortunately, cracks can usually be repaired with wood filler. Wood fillers come in various colors, so it is important to choose one that closely matches the color of your flooring. Before starting, make sure to clean the chipped area. Then use the wood filler enough to cover the entire affected area. In most cases, you would use too much, or it won’t be even. For this, use a putty knife or a flat object to flatten it to level. Let it dry and finish off with a polyethylene coat (if needed). 

Repair cracked laminate flooring with sawdust and glue.

One popular method is to fill the damaged area with sawdust and glue. As always, you would start with cleaning up the affected area, and once done, you apply a layer of glue to the chipped area and then sprinkle on some sawdust. Use a putty knife to flatten the mixture, then allow it to dry. Once dry, lightly sand the area to smooth it out. You may also want to apply paint to match your laminate floor’s color. While this won’t completely fix the damage, it can help to make it less noticeable.


Are Laminate Floors Supposed to Creak?

While laminate floors are completely natural to wear out over time and be prone to damage due to constant shifting of furniture or high moisture, they are not supposed to creak. However, you can use simple methods to prevent your laminate floorboards from creaking and even fix them if they keep you up all night with their annoying sounds.

Why Does My Laminate Floor Creak When I Walk On It?

There are various reasons why floor planks squeal and creak. These could range from a change in temperature to season and age. In addition, a squeaky floorboard may also result from poor or incompetent installation.

Why Are My Floors Creaking All Of A Sudden?

If your laminate floors have started creaking suddenly, then it’s likely due to an uneven subfloor or damage caused by high moisture content. In addition, water puddles left on the floorboards for hours on end can also cause wear and tear to the laminate. As a result, the planks start to creak whenever you set foot on them. 

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