You might be wondering if it’s worth the investment to lay laminate flooring in an L-shaped room. Especially when you don’t have all the answers, you need to help you decide if this is the right shape for you or not.
If you’re on the fence about whether or not to install laminate flooring in your L-shaped room, you’re not alone. Many homeowners are curious about the best way to go about this project. But you don’t have to be. With this article, we’ll walk you through the process of laying laminate flooring in an L-shaped room.
Can You Lay Laminate Flooring In L Shape?

Traditional installment is much easier and does not require a lot of planning. When it comes to L-shaped, it is possible to lay laminate flooring in this particular way. However, the process can be a bit tricky, but with proper planning, technique, and some patience, it definitely can be accomplished.
Why Lay Laminate Flooring In L Shape?
You may have to lay laminate flooring in an L shape because you will need to choose the pattern accordingly for your specific installation needs because not all spaces are created equal. This means that sometimes, the room dictates how your flooring needs to be installed. This is precisely the case with an L-shaped room.
How Do You Lay Laminate Flooring in an L-Shaped Room?
Installing your laminate flooring in an L-shaped room can seem like an overwhelming task. However, with these steps below, you’ll be able to install it in no time and also with ease.
Measure the space
Start the process by taking accurate measurements of the room. This is crucial because you need to know how many laminate planks you need to order, ensuring there is no wastage or shortage.
Begin with the largest wall of the L-shaped room and measure its length and width, followed by the shortest wall. You may have to make adjustments for doors or any other obstacles.
Get all the tools
Before you begin the actual process of installing laminate flooring, it’s a good idea to prepare all the tools you need.
These are:
Tape measure
Laminate flooring cutter
Pull bars
Tapping block
Hand saw
Underlayment and level
Prepare the floor
Now that you have everything ready, you should focus on preparing the floor for installation. This is particularly true in the case of L-shaped rooms because you want to ensure that the joints between the flooring planks are tight and secure.
Get rid of any rugs or furniture in the space and then vacuum and sweep the floor to get rid of any dirt or debris. Check the floor to see if it’s uneven or if there are any bumps. You can level out any such spots with a sanding block.
If the floor is smooth, you should remove the dust particles by cleaning them with a damp cloth.
Acclimate the laminate flooring
After you have prepared your subfloor, you should let the laminate flooring get acclimated. This process allows the flooring planks to adjust to the humidity and temperature of your room.
It’s important as it will ensure that the planks do not expand or contract too much in the future, which could lead to bending or gaps that damage your flooring. Read this if you wish to know more about what happens if you don’t acclimate your lamiante flooring. If you’re not sure how much your laminate flooring may expand, this guide might be of help. Acclimation involves leaving the laminate flooring planks in the same room they are to be installed for 24 to 48 hours.
Install the underlayment
Installing underlayment is crucial because it provides the flooring with some cushion and can also prevent moisture damage and reduce noise. Foam underlayment is usually recommended for this purpose. However, if you decide to go with any other type, make sure that the thickness of the underlayment is correct.
- Start installing your laminate flooring with the wall that shapes the inside of the ‘L.’
- Install the planks along the wall, but do not forget to leave ¼ inch of space so the flooring can expand easily. Continue laying the planks until you reach the opposite wall.
- Since laminate flooring planks have a locking system, they will continue on a straight path. You should ensure that they are perpendicular to the wall; a carpenter’s square can come in handy here.
- After placing the second last plank, check the distance from the wall, as you will have to trim the final plank according to the space available. The trimmed plank can then be fitted into the space, and with the help of a pry bar, you’ll be able to snap it in place.
- Now it’s time to do the same process in the opposite direction and install the rest of the laminate flooring. You can also install skirting boards to keep the flooring in place. But if you already had your skirting installed before your laminate flooring, this task might be a bit tricky. Luckily, I wrote this guide which will give you all the necessary information to complete this in no time.
Pros of Laying Laminate Flooring
There are several pros to laying the laminate flooring, some of which are listed here.
Variety of options
The first advantage of laying laminate flooring is that you can find it in different colors and styles. Therefore, it can work for different preferences, budgets, and lifestyles. Thanks to technology, you can find laminate flooring planks that can replicate natural stone and wood.
One of the biggest pros of laying laminate flooring is its durability. These days, you can find laminate flooring, which is stain-resistant and does not wear out or fade. In fact, there are fire and chemical-resistant options also available.
Another great feature of laminate flooring is that it can withstand heavy foot traffic and can last for almost 30 years.
Ease of installation
You will find that laminate flooring installation is extremely straightforward and quick. Unlike other kinds of flooring, these planks do not need to be nailed or glued down.
They now come with a clicking mechanism, which makes it extremely easy for homeowners to install them.
Easy maintenance
Cleaning and maintaining laminate flooring is also quite simple. No waxing, refinishing, or polishing is required. You can just use a vacuum cleaner to get rid of the dust and wipe it with a mop. No cleaning agents are needed, and you do not need to make any other effort.
A great pro of laying laminate flooring is that it is not that costly in the long run. It is a one-time investment that lasts for 25 to 30 years, which makes it a very reasonable option.
Cons of Laying Laminate Flooring
Here are the cons when laying L-shaped laminate flooring.
It cannot be refinished
The first con of laying laminate flooring is that it is impossible to refinish it in case of any damage. You will be required to replace the flooring, which can be extremely costly.
Possibility of moisture damage
Laminate flooring is susceptible to moisture damage if you do not clean up water spills immediately. The floors can become warped, and stains may also occur, so you might need to replace the flooring.
You will have to install underlayment under laminate flooring, or else it can be very noisy. The floor will make a hollow sound when you walk on it, which can be extremely irritating.
Not suitable for cold climates
Another con of laminate flooring is that it is not a very good choice for cold climates because it cannot offer much insulation. Walking on the floor can become a problem in the winter because it will feel cold.
It should also be noted that laminate flooring tends to be more slippery than others, which can make it dangerous, especially when kids are involved. People can fall easily and suffer from injuries, so extra caution may be required.
What Are The Best Places To Lay Laminate Flooring In L Shape?
Hallways are typically the best places for you to lay laminate flooring in an L shape. They can make it appear spacious and are also a lasting option.
Apart from hallways, the L-shaped pattern can also be used to install laminate flooring in kitchens or rooms that are not of the standard shape or size.
What Other Patterns Are Better For Laminate Flooring?
You can find several patterns for laying the laminate flooring, and the choice depends on the size and shape of the room and your preference. Take a look at the choices below.
Grid pattern
The most common option is a grid pattern that gives a straightforward, simple, and clean appearance.
Offset pattern
This is also quite common and involves laying down laminate flooring planks and then shifting them in each row to create an offset pattern. You can choose a 50/50 offset in which you offset the planks half the width of each, or you can opt for 40/60 or another combination.
Stagger pattern
Another laminate flooring pattern that can offer you a uniform and fluid look is called stagger. The flooring planks are essentially arranged on the alternate side of a centerline. You can get the best results when you stagger the planks in thirds.
Diagonal pattern
This particular pattern is similar to the offset pattern, but it involves laying the planks 45 degrees from the walls. It is a great option for making a small space seem larger. It not only adds dimensions but can also hide imperfections.
Often called zig-zag, this laminate flooring pattern resembles fish scales and can add a touch of luxury and sophistication. It essentially involves using two planks to create an L-shaped pattern. If you’re interested in this pattern and want to install your laminate flooring this way, this ultimate guide would be of great help.
H pattern
If you’re interested in this pattern, I have an extensive article that would be a very interesting read. It explains all you need to know about this pattern.
How to Lay Laminate Flooring in an L-Shaped Hallway?
To lay laminate flooring in an L-shaped hallway, you should start from the inside of the ‘L’ and run them along the length and change direction when you reach the corner. This will ensure that the two sections of laminate flooring meet evenly and provide you with a seamless look. Make sure you leave ¼ inch space for the flooring to expand.
Can You Change the Direction of Laminate Flooring?
Yes, changing the direction of laminate flooring is possible, but you will require a transition strip to accomplish this. This can distinguish rooms and also enhance durability. A t-molding strip can be used for transition purposes. In case you also want to transition to stairs you may need to rethink how you do your transition.
Can You Lay Laminate Flooring Perpendicular?
Most manufacturers recommend that you lay laminate flooring in a perpendicular direction. It’s best to lay it perpendicular to the longest wall in the room to achieve the right appearance. You can also consider the light source in the room and install laminate flooring perpendicular to it.