Can You Use Bleach On Vinyl Floors:[All You Need To Know] 

As any experienced homeowner knows, taking care of your vinyl floors is essential to keep them looking new. But what about when something spills, or you need to deep clean? Can you use bleach on vinyl floors? 

You should never use Bleach on Vinyl flooring as the strong ammonia will cause corrosion. Using diluted bleach might help with disinfecting your Vinyl floor however, this should be mixed with Clorox and should be rinsed after 5 minutes and left to air dry. Even using diluted bleach will eventually discolor your floor in the long run.

The use of bleach on vinyl floors is a tricky business. While it might seem like any old cleaning will do the trick, you need to be careful about how much and what type of chemical agent goes into your home’s beautiful Vinyl flooring. 

Can Bleach Be Used on Vinyl Flooring?

Even though you may have heard that using harsher cleaning products helps get the job done quicker or cleans better, using bleach on Vinyl (or Laminate) floors is not recommended, and many cleaners are moving to better alternatives these days. 

Can you use Diluted Bleach on Vinyl Floors?

If you’re planning on disinfecting your floor, you might be able to do so with diluted bleach (2 per gallon) that has been mixed with (¾ cup) Clorox. You should rinse it after 5 minutes and let it air dry. 

However, bleach contains strong ammonia that will remain active even with dilution. Its chemical reaction with the vinyl floors will remain strong so using it is at your own risk.

What Happens if you Bleach Vinyl?

Corrosion from the strong ammonia causes spots on vinyl floors that distort their original color. It will interfere with their pattern. It can damage it so badly that the only solution is replacing it. 

Even though we discussed that using diluted bleach might be possible, prolonged bleach usage will also discolor vinyl regardless of whether it is diluted. Its chemical properties make it active and should thus be avoided for the best results. Similar to Laminate flooring, it may also leave a white film on your floor.

You can use our alternative cleaning solutions for the best results. 

What is the Best Solution for Cleaning Vinyl Floors?

Owing to their delicate nature, cleaning vinyl floors should be done carefully to achieve the best results in the long run. We have alternatives you can use at home to achieve sparkling vinyl floors without worrying about damaging them. 

Fortunately, there are multiple alternatives to choose from. These alternatives are convenient, and some can be made at home, so if you are a DIY enthusiast, this is perfect for you! 

Each option is situational, so you have multiple options to choose from. 

First Step# Sweep the floors.

Before diving in, we should first determine the extent of the stains on your vinyl floor, which is done by sweeping your floors. Furthermore, it will help you have a clearer surface to work on, making the cleaning process faster and more convenient. 

Use a broom and a dust pan to ensure the entire area to be cleaned is exposed, with dust and other debris removed. Ensure your broom has soft bristles that won’t cause scratches on the floor. Once it is dust free, you can move to deeper cleaning. 

Method #1. Using Dishwashing Soap

If the stains on your vinyl floors are light, you can use a cloth mop and water mixed with dishwashing soap. It’s reliable when working on greasy surfaces, and just like it does with your dishes, it will leave your floors sparkling. 

It’s advisable to use liquid soap instead of powders. They dissolve easily into the mopping water and won’t leave particles on the floor once you are done cleaning, as these could damage the floor. 

Method #2. Using Vinegar

Vinegar is best for you if you prefer DIY solutions for your vinyl floors. It contains acids that effectively remove grime and other marks, especially when cleaning hallways and other high-traffic areas within your house. 

You only need a cup of vinegar for a complete cleaning cycle, and once combined with a gallon of water, you can begin cleaning. Additionally, it’s less corrosive than the strong ammonia in bleach and will not have any undesired effects on your luxury vinyl. 

Method #3. Cleaning Using Baking Soda

Baking powder is the ultimate DIY item; its benefits also extend to cleaning vinyl floors. It’s most reliable when cleaning stubborn spill stains that have remained in place for a long time. Mix some baking soda with some water to create a paste for this purpose. 

Apply the paste to the areas you want to clean and rub smoothly until the stains are lifted. This method is best when working on smaller surfaces that haven’t worked with dishwashing soap and other solutions offered. Once the spots are clean, use warm water to remove the baking soda residue. 

Method #4. Using Alcohol on Ink Spots

If you have children in your house, crayons, dyes, ink, and other solutions could be spilled on the vinyl floors. Alcohol is the perfect cleaning solution for these spots as they cannot be removed with soaps and vinegar. 

The alcohol solvent breaks down the chemical composition of these stains, making them easier to wipe off. Additionally, you don’t need a lot of effort to wipe them off, as a hand brush with soft bristles will ensure the surfaces are clean. 

Once the stains are removed, use a moist mop to clean the surface, and your vinyl floors will be sparkling. This is a reliable solution when you don’t have a big area to clean. 

Last step# Always Air Dry your Floors

Once you have settled on the perfect cleaning option, ensure all your windows are open. This lets air dry the surfaces without leaving footprints on the highly sensitive vinyl floors. 

These steps offer the perfect cleaning procedures for any individual while still making a saving in the process. You should avoid spilling water and using extra dump mops for cleaning. These are convenient and cheaper ways to restore vinyl flooring without incurring replacement costs. 

How to Remove Bleach Stain from Vinyl Floor

The simplest and most convenient way to remove stains is by using baking soda. It is readily available, and you don’t need special equipment to clean them. First, make a paste using baking soda and a little water. Scrub the areas with bleach stains using a smooth brush, and the strong stains will wipe off. 

Once the stains are removed, use a moist mop to remove the baking soda paste residue, and you will have stain-free floors. These stains are often from using strong bleaches, and you should avoid using them on your floors, especially for prolonged periods. 


Is Vinegar Good for Vinyl Floors?

Vinegar is among the best alternatives for cleaning vinyl floors owing to the weak acidic properties that make it easier to clean without leaving spots. It is also soluble, and you only need a cupful to clean bigger areas, thus making them economical. Vinegar is also reliable for high-traffic floors as it removes stains easily and fast, and you can thus clean hallways and maintain their state for longer.

Is Bleach Safe on Luxury Vinyl?

It is not safe to use bleach on luxury vinyl. Bleach contains strong ammonia that makes it highly corrosive on vinyl, and since luxury vinyl is delicate, it can have undesired effects. Using less corrosive cleaning items like baking soda is the best option. 

How do you Restore Vinyl Flooring?

First, you need a less corrosive cleaning agent to remove stains from previously used cleaning agents, including baking soda and vinegar. Make solutions using these and add them to a sprinkling bottle. Use it on the areas that need restoration and let it sit on the spots for a while before cleaning it off. 

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