Can Drywall Be Stored Outside? (+Tips To Store!)

Many people have asked this question, can you or can you not store Drywall outside? And to no surprise, a lot of people think the answer is as simple as a yes or a no. But it actually depends. 

Drywall can be stored outside for a short period and only when certain conditions are met. It must be stored, vacuum sealed, and stacked without touching the ground, away from work areas where accidents involving liquid may happen, away from leaking pipes, and when it’s not raining or snowing.

Sure, you shouldn’t leave your Drywall outside when it’s raining. That’s a given, but what about when it’s not? Or when it’s super hot? Should you leave your Drywall in an environment where the temperature doesn’t fluctuate?

Is It Ok To Store Drywalls Outside?

With the proper precautions, storing drywall outside is possible. If you had the choice not to, then the answer is it’s better not to. If you leave it uncovered outside, snow, rain, or humidity may damage it due to moisture. And once wet, it will no longer be useful. 

However,  if you have no choice but to do so, you should ensure that your material is sealed for protection from weather elements like rain or snow, which may cause damage over time regardless of how well-protected. 

Still, this doesn’t give you the guarantee that nothing will happen, but at least it will lower the chances for it to get damaged. 

Secondly, if storing it outside is the only option, you should also avoid keeping it outside for too long. Drywall should only be kept outside, fully covered for a short time. 

Lastly, this is not only applicable outside but overall. Ensure that you store it above ground by placing it on any object above ground. If you adopt this approach, moisture will not ruin it, and the ground will not weaken the structure and cause it to flake.

What Happens If I Store Drywalls Outside?

Similar to hanging Moisture-resistant Drywall outside, moisture will most likely damage if you store drywall outside unprotected. Drywalls do not respond well to wetness, so it’s highly advised to store them in an enclosed environment. 

Drywall has waterproofing materials, but the waterproof coat may be destroyed if left exposed for a prolonged period. Once this happens, it will become stained, swell, and inevitably disintegrate. Drywall is basically thick sheets with gypsum laced in between both sheets.

If you think that rain is your only problem, then think again. Early morning dew drops will coat the drywall and ruin it even if it is not rain or snow season, exposing the sheets to permanent damage and rendering the drywall unusable.

How To Store Drywalls Outside?

If you want to store drywall outside, there are certain steps you will need to take to preserve it for as long as possible. Below, we provide some helpful tips.

Tip 1 – Vacuum Seal it

One of the best ways to store drywall outside is to vacuum seal it with water-resistant material like polyester, spandex, and the like. 

A large plastic sheet is another very good option. You can wrap the drywall sheets in a large material and then vacuum seal the tip to prevent water and air from entering. This method will protect the sheets from moisture for a short period of time, but just to make it clear again, no method is 100%  safe.

Tip 2 – Place on supports

When storing drywall outside (or inside), avoid placing it in the ground as this will damage the affected part touching the ground. Before you store it, place a wooden pallet or any other solid material or structure on the ground that can support the weight of your drywall. 

Then stack the drywall sheets on the support. After stacking them up, wrap them with your plastic sheeting, ensure that no part of the sheet is left exposed, and seal it up. This will protect the sheets from weather elements.

Tip 3 – Hang on a wall

If you don’t have a large enough support to hold the weight of your sheets, you can stack them together on a wall side by side. Side-by-side stacking is the best for tight spaces, but you still have to do two things. 

You still need to place them on a base or structure above ground; secondly, you have to wrap them up with plastic and water-resistant materials on every side to prevent exposure.

Note: Any approach you undertake involves using foundational support and water-resistant wrapping. Storing drywall outside has its risks, but you can mitigate such risks.

Where Should You Not Store The Drywalls Outside?

You should not store drywall outside where you know high amounts of moisture are present. Another precaution to take is to avoid places with leaking pipes. If there is a leaking pipe around or spills, the spillage can find its way to the spot where you keep your drywalls and ruin them. 

Work areas are also a bad option. Your drywall can get wet by human activity, and accidental liquid spills outside are common. Then there is the case of the weather. 


How Long Can Drywall Be Stored?

Drywall can be stored for a few days to several weeks or months, depending on the storage conditions. If you store them in an airtight and controlled environment, they can remain in good shape for a very long time. If you store them outside, the shelf life will be compromised unless you vacuum seal them with plastic sheets. How you stack them also matters.

Can Drywall Be Stored In The Cold?

Drywall can be stored in the cold if they are protected with moisture and air-resistant covering. 

To preserve your drywall in the cold, endeavor to wrap it up with a plastic sheet or extremely thick nylon or tarpaulin. Make sure no part of the drywall is exposed. Or better still, cover it with a plastic sheet and vacuum seal it for long-term value. Irrespective of these safe storage precautions, avoid storing your drywall in the cold for too long. Drywall should not be stored outside in the cold for more than a few days.

To avoid extended storage, consider buying the drywall a day or two before you plan to install it.

Can Drywall Be Stored Upright?

Yes, drywall can be stored upright. This storage method is advisable because it protects the sheets from the negative effects of cold, hard concrete or ground. Upright positioning will protect the edges and the bottom from potential wetness that could ruin the structure. 

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